Wednesday, November 18, 2009

And we are back!

Wow it has been almost 7 months…

What happened? Apparently I have taken a cyber break on both Blogger and Twitter Since May..

Maybe it was because May was a busy month????

Maybe it was because In May we received some very exciting news…

Well…whats the big news????

We have a baby boy due January 16th!

* "Mini G" *

I am also currently finishing up the last half of my 500hr yoga certification, So that has taken up a lot of my time. The certification will be over right before Christmas. Right now I am working on finalizing my presentation and getting ready for the Holidays.

So expect many more updates starting now…

We have a big “City” thanksgiving with our Friends this weekend..

Then we are off to Atlanta to see my family Thanksgiving..

Christmas is in Maplewood with Ted’s family…

New years is up in the air-it may be here in NYC

Then Baby boy arrives!

Much Love,


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