Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Patti’s Day on the Eastside...

This St Patti’s day I decided to make my very own “corned beef and cabbage”. Growing up I remember having it every St. Patrick’s day and even on a few other special occasions! Ted and I both really enjoyed it as adults too! I really wasn’t originally planning on making such a feast…In fact when I spoke to Ted earlier in the day I had planned on making Salads and topping them with chicken (Boy was he excited) I really just wanted to eat what we had in the fridge and keep it a little healthy.

I ended up on the phone with my Mother in law that day…and she told me she was Cooking cornded beef and cabbage for dinner ..After much discussion we both figured I couldn’t find cornded beef on my side of town! Once I got off the phone with her I was inspired to make Ted a fabulous Surprise Irish dinner..Afterall I had just about 4 hours to do it! I ran to the store, not the close one…a one a little ways away. Lucky for me they had cornded beef, cabbage and Guinness!!!

So I put the beef and some peppercorns in my le creuset (man I love this pot) and then 2 ½ hours later added the cabbage…3 hours and a few minutes later-“Ta Da” A St. Patti’s feast!

*Our "NY size" Kitchen*

*Cabbage gets cut*

*Ted pretends he's cooking*

*Almost done*

*Time to enjoy*

While I was at the store I picked Ted up rye bread, Russian dressing, cheese and sauerkraut…So he has be packing Ruben’s for lunch the last couple of days! Yummmm! After I packed his lunch this morning, I think we have just enough for one more sandwitch!


Ted and I were curious why exactly it was called corned beef…so of course we googled it!

Here is why (according to our friends at Wikipedia):

The "corn" in "corned beef" refers to the "corns" or grains of coarse salts used to cure it (term coined 1621)

Learn more here (click): corned beef

Much Love,


Ted too..

Thursday, March 12, 2009

So we are finally doing it…

So we are finally doing it…we have started a Blog! I wish I could say this blog will be about something in particular…but Ted and I are not that regimented. All I can say is that this blog will definitely have a bit of the following:


Us: Ted and Jenni…We met at The Savannah College of Art and Design…There Ted graduated with a BFA in painting and Jenni received a BFA in Fashion…Needless to say Ted currently is working in graphic design and Jenni is certified in yoga.


Our life in New York City: Aka the other side of East, we happened to live on the eastside of Manhattan not in the billion dollar zip code you might expect. We are more or less in Spanish Harlem. They even start the Latino Children’s day parade on our street-this is prime real estate!


Food: What can I say we both like to eat…no really WE LIKE TO EAT.  After all we do live in NY where every possible kind of food is at your fingertips, and half the time they will deliver it right to your door. And Yes, We have become those people who Brunch on Sundays with their friends. Just to make it clear our love of food does not stop at dining…We both love to cook…So don’t be surprised if a few recipes or cooking blogs show up!


Our Friends: In this city you need a good group of friends…after all who wants to go to brunch alone? Not to mention a good party, our friends like to entertain as much as us-not that we have giant parties or anything…at least not at our place…after all we can *maybe* comfortably hold six in our small place!


Our Family: The best part of living in NY - everyone wants to come visit you! So beware if you are our planning on visiting us…chances are you will end up in this blog.


The Animals: Don’t get us wrong we are not that weird couple that talks about their dog/cat all the time… at least I hope we are not. I do have to say we have a dog and a cat in a small apartment, which is mildly entertaining. There is Kelso... the Maltese, undiscovered dog model who has a thing for “feng shui” and Gnocchi.... the extreme face ( yeah he has no profile) Persian cat. Gnocchi aka: “Gnoccho the destroyer”-Half of his day is spent sleeping the other half he is running around our place screaming bloody murder.


Basically this is a blog for our friends/family to keep up with our adventures in the city.  Our goal is in no way to become “e-famous” or land a spot on the Today show.


Much Love,


Jenni & Ted

*Gnocchi relaxing while we get Brunch under way*