Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Not hopping on the Jitney...

So it is already April-Spring is in the air….the flowers are blooming-but wait…there is snow. Yes I said it snow! Today it briefly snowed…in between a few hours of pure sunshine…so bazaar.

Whats new here on the other side of East..

Well we have been weekending outside of the city!

While you may expect us to be hopping the first jitney to the Hamptopns…Ted and I prefer a more of a low key spot.

Where you ask… Well… Ted and I have been taking weekend trips to..

*Maplewood NJ*

…to what we call “the country house”-after all most anything outside of NYC is in the country right?

Part of the fun of weekends in the “country” is the huge kitchen we are able too cook in. Yes, way more room then the 8 tiles in the city.

*You can even make pancakes for breakfast-Family style*

*And celebrate Birthdays with yummy appetizers and steak dinners*

*Ted even awoke to a breakfast in bed of “pain au chocolate”*

I worked on a few sewing projects while we were there..I love to sew but since we live in such a small apartment –all my supplies remain a whole state away!

*Gnocchi tends to find my sewing so relaxing*

We had a relaxing Sunday afternoon in the front yard-enjoying the much needed sunshine!

*Kelso gets some much needed R&R*

*Just don't try to get any work done-afterall we are here to RELAX*

We are now back in the City…and I am frantically cleaning the apartment because we have a much awaited guest arriving on Friday!

Much Love,

Jenni and Ted